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December 2019

The Football Pitch that Dad Built (continued) At last they arrived. Dad unwrapped the parcel and unravelled the nets. He stretched them between his vice like hands testing their strength and smiling his approval. Eventually the bright orange nets hung over the posts. He put the ball down, took three paces back ran… and then…thump! […]

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Early Season Blues

Ahhhh! Slowly, slowly, the drug begins to take effect! Meaningless little friendly matches at first, but very early on a new ground to add to the list speedily followed by four more. It is only the silly season really,  still warm, sunny and light in the evenings. Wait till it’s Winter and the gales howl […]

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Cup Finals and Curtain Call

  First and foremost, if you were reading my last post “April Showers’, you will know that I was less than pleased with Chorley’s defeat in the Northern Premier League Premier Division Play-Off Semi-final to FC United of Manchester! It almost made up for the disaster of not achieving Blue Square Bet North status to […]

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