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July 2024

Vitai Lampada There’s a breathless hush in the Close tonight – Ten to make and the match to win – A bumping pitch and a blinding light, An hour to play and the last man in. And it’s not for the sake of a ribboned coat, Or the selfish hope of a season’s fame, But […]

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August 2020

. . My Old Football You can keep your antique silver and your statuettes of bronze,Your curios and tapestries so fine,But of all your treasures rare there is nothing to compareWith this patched up, worn-out football pal o’ mine.Just a patched-up worn-out football, yet how it clings!I live again my happier days in thoughts that […]

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November 2018

How to Score Goals Approach with the ball Sudden Sound of bagpipes (For this you will need an accomplice) Goal . Approach with ball Plus cake Sing “Happy Birthday to you!” Invite goalie to blow his candles out etc. . Approach with ball Point skywards Say,”Oh look – a vulture!” (he will have forgotten the […]

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July 2017

from:- “The Goals of Bingo Boot” by Allan Ahlberg . Even God had a frown on his face And powerful reasons to pray. If I let this in, he told Himself There’ll be the Devil to pay. Now Bingo stepped up with the ball And placed it on the spot Stepped back, breathed deep, ran […]

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March 2016

They ran and shouted, ran and shot (At shooting they were not so hot) Pulled a sock up, rolled a sleeve And scored more goals than you’d believe . Slid and tackled, leapt and fell Dodged and dribbled, dived as well Headed, shouldered, elbowed, kneed And, half-time in the bushes peed. . With muddy shorts […]

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February 2016

Each team would somehow pick itself No boys were left upon the shelf No substitutions, sulks or shame If you showed up, you got a game. . Not 2-3-5 or 4-2-4 But 2-8-12 or even more Six centre-forwards, five right wings Was just the normal run of things . Lined up then in such formations […]

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It’s Got 0-0 Written All Over It

My mind’s frustration weighs Heavier than failure. Alas, my heart and I Know not how to endure. – Sri Chinmoy     Easter Monday 1st April 2013 Chromasport & Trophies United Counties League k.o.:- midday Premier Division Wellingborough Town                             1   […]

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Between The Hops

Between The Hops   It is tiring stuff watching eleven matches in four days! Enjoyable but tiring! The appetite is whetted, however, rather than sated and after a late night back on Bank Holiday Monday, I was off yet again on my travels on Tuesday evening to ……. Roker Park! No, not that Roker Park, […]

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April Showers

After the Baris Northern Counties East(er) Groundhop, there was barely time to draw breath before it was Bank Holiday Easter Monday and the enticing prospect of three games in a day! Three games in a day used to be pretty easy as teams scattered kick off times like confetti at a white wedding, but of […]

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